Boeing 777 Seat Guru

There are 8 First Class, 52 Business Class, 24 Premium Economy, and 180 Economy Class seats. Seat rows are numbered from 1 to 42.

Seat Map of Boeing 777-300ER (77W) On this page, you will find seat map information on the Boeing 777-300ER (77W) aircraft. For further details on seats, please go to the in-flight service page and select the class and aircraft type. Reserve Seats Book Now SELECT. View Boeing 777-200 seating and specifications on United aircraft using this United Airlines seating chart. Currently in United States. Boeing 777-200 (777) Version 1 (50/226) Version 2 (28/336) Version 3 (28/336) Version 4 (32/330) Seat map (50/226) Interior specifications.

Dec 28, 2016 - For your next Emirates flight, use this seating chart to get the most comfortable seats, legroom, and recline on. More information SeatGuru Seat Map Emirates Boeing 777-300ER (77W) Three Class V2 - SeatGuru. This Boeing 777-300ER is one of the newer additions to American Airlines' fleet. This four-class aircraft seats a total of 304 passengers, and features up-to-date amenities, including personal Audio Video On Demand (AVOD) and personal 110v power ports throughout each class.

Emergency exits are located on both sides at the front of the cabin, both sides behind row 6, both sides behind row 17, both sides in front of row 30, and both sides at the back of the cabin.

First Class seats are in rows 1 and 2.


The seat layout from left to right is A, aisle, D, G, aisle, K.

These seats come with a table at the front.

Armrests are non-movable for all of these seats.

Business Class seats are in rows 5 to 17.

The seat layout from left to right for rows 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, and 17 is A, aisle, D, F, aisle, H.

These seats come with a table on the right.

The seat layout from left to right for rows 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, and 16 is C, aisle, E, G, aisle, K.

These seats come with a table on the left. Armrests are non-movable for all of these seats.

Premium Economy seats are in rows 18 to 20.

The seat layout from left to right is A, C, aisle, D, E, F, G, aisle, H, K.

Armrests are non-movable for all of these seats.

Economy Class seats are in rows 24 to 42.

The seat layout from left to right for rows 24 to 38 is A, B, C, aisle, D, E, F, G, aisle, H, J, K.

The seat layout from left to right for rows 39 to 41 is A, C, aisle, D, E, F, G, aisle, H, K. The seat layout from left to right for row 42 is A, C, aisle, D, E, F, G. Seats 30A, B, C, H, J, and K are emergency exit row seats.

Armrests are non-movable for all seats in rows 24 and 30 and seats 38A, B, C, H, J, and K. Seats 30A and 30K do not have a window.

Monitors are installed in front of rows 24 and 30.

A wheelchair-accessible lavatory is located behind seats 29A, B, and C.

Lavatories equipped with a multi-function bidet and diaper changing table are located in front of seats 1D and 1G, behind seat 6C, behind seat 6K, behind seat 17A, and behind seat 17H.

Lavatories equipped with a diaper changing table are located behind seats 29H, J, and K, and behind seats 42F and 42G.

A lavatory equipped with a multi-function bidet is located in front of seat 1A.

Lavatories are located behind seats 41H and 41K and behind seats 42A and 42C.

Galleys are located at the front of the cabin, behind row 6, behind row 29, in front of row 30, and at the back of the cabin.

A bar is located behind row 17.

United Boeing 777 Seatguru

Boeing 777-300 operated by United Airlines may accommodate 366 passengers in three classes: polaris (business class), economy plus and economy.

Polaris seats are seats of business class.

Polaris class contains 60 open suites with 180 degrees recline.


These seats are located in the first 18 rows of the airplane and are divided into two sections.

Boeing 777 Seat Guru American

First section consists of 28 seats that are transformed into a flat bed. The noise from the galleys and lavatory located in front may cause discomfort to passengers of the seats of the 1st row.

The only disadvantage of the seats of the 6th-8th rows is close location of the galleys.

Behind the exit row the second section of polaris class seats is located. This section contains 8 rows of seats that have 1-2-1 configuration. Passengers tend to congregate in the area of the seats of the 9th row while waiting to use lavatories thus causing discomfort to passengers of the seats of the 9th row.

Missing windows make the seats 16A and 16L bad seats.

Noise from more crowded economy plus section will cause inconvenience to passengers of the seats of the 18th row.

Economy plus class may accommodate 102 passengers on standard seats that have 4 inches recline. These seats are also located in two sections. First section consists of 4 rows of seats that have 3-4-3 configuration. Passengers of the seats of the 19th row will take advantage of extra space for their legs. These seats are considered good seats. However, there is no floor storage for these seats during take-off and landing and the tray tables located in the armrests slightly reduce the width.

Location of the lavatories located behind is the main disadvantage of the seats of the 22nd row.

The second section of economy plus seats contains 52 seats that are located in 6 rows. Thanks to the exit row located in front the seats of the 24th row offer extra legroom. Among disadvantages of these seats: location of the galleys and lavatories in front, lack of floor storage during take-off and landing and reduced width because the armrests are immovable. Because of missing windows the seats 24A and 24L are considered bad seats.

Boeing 777 seatguru united

British Airways Boeing 777 Seat Guru

Economy class offers 204 standard seats that have 3 inches recline. These seats are located in 2 sections. First section contains 10 rows of seats. All these seats are standard only the seats of the 37th row are less reclining than standard and are located close to the lavatories.

Second section of economy class seats is located behind the exit row. The seats 39ABC, 39JKL and 40DEFG are the seats of economy plus class. Passengers of these seats will feel comfortable thanks to additional space for their legs. Protrusion of the exit doors may cause discomfort to passengers of the seats 39A and 39L but proximity of the lavatories and galleys to passengers of the seats 39BC and 39JK. All the seats of the 39th row have no floor storage during take-off and landing and are a little narrower than standard because the tray tables are built-in the armrests.

As there are no seats behind the seats 49C and 49J are often bumped by other passengers and crew members passing by.

Location of the galley and lavatories behind the seats 51D and 51G may represent a problem for passengers of these seats.


Limited recline, limited space in overhead bins as well as proximity of the galley and lavatories make the seats 51AB, 51KL and 52DEFG bad seats.